Monday, November 24, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 40

Hello and Welcome to Week 40!

So, I am just starting my 40th week. My due date (at the conclusion of my 40th week) is 1 week away and I am excited, nervous, scared and anxious. I wonder if I will know when the contractions I have been experiencing turn into the contractions that will ultimately bring the baby. I'm at the point where every contraction or pain is a trigger in my head to take note of the time and length. I went to the midwife yesterday and she said everything looks great. They will start giving me internals next week (if I make it that long) and the fundal measurement (the size of my uterus) is actually smaller then it was last week which means I have probably dropped. This is a great thing to hear because anything other than time passing that makes me feel closer to delivery puts a smile on my face. But other then that everything is still exactly the same. Nothing else seems to be happening. However, the only thing that could happen that would feel like progress at this point would be labor. So I will continue to sit here and wait.

I dream about the baby almost every night. Last night I dreamt the baby's hand pushed through my belly and was hanging out I guess just saying "Hi". It freaked me out. I knew that I had to get to the hospital but I never made it there. I just held the baby's hand to keep the rest of the body from pushing through. It was a little insane.

We finished our Bradley Birth Classes this week. We learned a lot and I am so glad that we took the course. I highly recommend everyone that finds themselves pregnant take some sort of birth class, even if you know you do not want to have an unmedicated birth. I considered myself well informed before we took the course. I really thought it would be mostly for Eric, but I learned so much too. And arming yourself with knowledge is the best way to combat the fear that will undoubtedly creep in at some point. For me it was worth the 8 weeks every Wednesday night. I found myself really looking forward to the course every week. So in addition to good prenatal care please consider taking an in depth birth class. You have to know your options to be able to access them.

There isn't much to report this week. I think I am all "updated" out until this baby is born. I waddle. I groan. I snore. I breath heavy. I complain. I get tired. I eats lots of ice cream to combat my heartburn. I have stretch marks. All of this and so much more will continue until this baby arrives. So think good pregnancy thoughts and let's all hope this baby comes soon!

Let's get the the good stuff! The baby is positioned with its head facing down and the bottom toward your ribs. (For me, the butt is right in my ribs 90% of the time). If this is your first baby, your baby may "drop" a few days to a couple of weeks before delivery. "Dropping" simply means your baby moves further down into your pelvis, readying for birth. (I would say that this baby has dropped simply because my pelvis is killing me most days). The baby may be seven pounds or more and 14 inches long from crown to rump this week. Below are the weekly renderings.

Love to you all,


Friday, November 14, 2008

Week 39

Hello and Welcome to Week 39!

I am so pregnant it hurts. I don't want to hear any more about people that are having babies unless it's me. This week 3 people that are all on their 1st baby and due within a week or 2 of me had their babies this week, early. One woman was a month early and still had a 6 lb 5 oz baby! Everyone is healthy and happy and no longer pregnant. Now, I had enjoyed most aspects of being pregnant. On more then one occasion I have mentioned in these messages all the pros and cons of my pregnancy but I hope with a distinct emphasis on the pros. Today I am fully in the con column. My feelings will probably change tomorrow. I am just jealous of the families that currently can hold the babies they've been carrying for the last 8-9 months. I know my time is coming soon, but right now time is moving at a snail's pace.

Eric and I both have colds. We are getting over them now, but it's been annoying all week. I think I've had 6-7 hours of sleep over the last 2 days. I am uncomfortable all the time and the heartburn is destroying my esophagus. I am actually concerned about any lasting damage to my esophagus because the acid from my stomach has been an issue this entire pregnancy, but it is insanely bad right now. It is keeping my up at nights and I have no idea what else I can do. Giving birth is the only thing that will relieve my stomach. I am also snapping at Eric and I don't mean to. I am just so tired and uncomfortable and I have been taking it out on him a little because he lives with me. I am trying to be nice however my success rate has dropped dramatically. And I don't want to do anything. I don't want to cook, clean or think. I have to get my bag together for when I do go into labor and I haven't even done that yet. It's as if Eric has to hold my hand and walk me through all this. I know what has to be done and I have no motivation to get anything completed. The only thing I want to do is finish the blanket I began knitting for the baby a few months ago. I haven't touched it in 6 weeks and the last 3 nights I've had marathon knitting sessions. It is almost done, but it will probably take another 10 hours or so.

I had a wonderful baby shower last weekend. Everyone was so generous with their time and gifts. And it was so nice to see family that I haven't been able to in the last few weeks or months. It was great. My Aunt Andrea was kind enough to host the event, and I have to say I'm glad she did because I sometimes forget the vast number of my extended family and she has a very large house! I know that she and my mother worked very hard to make it a lovely event so I want to thank them both very much. The baby is definitely set for the first few months and I don't think I'll need to buy any baby lotion, shampoo and soap for at least a year! This baby is very lucky to have such a large family that is so excited to have a new member. And I am very lucky to be able to be a part of its arrival. And during the shower I found out that my cousins wife is expecting twins! How wonderful is that. I love that we are beginning a whole new generation.

Eric and I went for my weekly check-up yesterday. So far I've gained 29 pounds and the midwife is pleased with the amount of fluid surrounding the baby. She estimated that the baby is about 6.5 pounds and the heartbeat was in the 140's. And she basically told me to get comfortable. Although the baby could come at any time she said that Eric and I should go out to eat, see some movies and enjoy ourselves. Great advice if I felt like doing anything and if Eric wasn't up to his eyes with work. Right now a date with my couch is all I'm really looking forward to!

Now for the fun stuff: The baby's internal organs and systems are now fully developed. The baby is ready to enter the world. Its once spacious home inside my uterus has become cramped, and it has little room to stretch out arms and legs. The baby is now 6 pounds 13 ounces (so this baby is right on target according to my midwives) and is about 14 inches long from crown to rump. Below are the weekly renderings.

Love to you all!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 38

Hello all and Welcome to Week 38!

I have lost the battle with the waddle. It saddens me to say this, but I have had to come to terms with my current duck-ness. When I walk my belly moves in one direction and my butt moves in the opposite. I have also had to move to sneakers (which I hate) in the past week. The reason is two-fold: 1. With the weather conditions and wet leaves blanketing the streets in Philadelphia, it is just safer for a clumsy pregnant woman. And 2. my feet begin to swell at the end of the day in my regular shoes, so it becomes uncomfortable to walk home. So sneakers (for the time being) it is. Not necessarily the fashion statement I want to be making, but with 3 weeks left until my due date I figure I can live with it.

So I am in my 37th week, just about to enter my 38th and it is evident that my body is getting ready for this baby to be born. I experienced 3 hours of painful contractions Tuesday night. They were 10-20 minutes apart and lasting between 45 seconds and 1 minute. And then they were gone. Yesterday I had waves of back pain for about 7 hours. I wasn't experiencing any painful contractions, just the normal painless Braxton-Hicks, but the back pain was quite distracting. And the baby completely changed position yesterday for the midwife. The baby was positioned on my right side for the last 2 months. No change, it was very happy there. Yesterday in the car ride to the birth center the baby moved from head down, laying on my right side to head down laying on my left. Right now the baby's butt is high and dead center in my belly with the head and face facing downward. The perfect position to be born. So everything is moving right along. I feel like I'm now on the clock and this baby can be born any minute. In reality I'll probably have a December baby. And as if I wasn't already keenly aware of every movement, hiccup and pain that I experience, there is now the added "Could this be it" that goes quickly through my brain. I know that this is all normal and veteran mothers probably have become accustomed to this process to a certain degree. However, but for my calm exterior I am a body of goo and nervousness. I still feel like I have nothing completed. In fact the baby didn't have a stitch of clothing until I went to the store yesterday in a slight panic that I wouldn't have anything to dress it in to come home. My mom had to remind me that I have to wash the clothes before the baby wears them. I know I'll be a fine mother, but there are times I am such a dolt. I was so glad she said something about washing the clothing. I would have remembered, but not at that moment.

Eric painted a Keith Haring inspired mural in the baby's room this week. I love it. He put a pregnant figure in it to represent me and 2 cats to represent ours. It looks great. If you don't know who Keith Haring is here are a few photos of the mural he did in Philadelphia that Eric restored about 8 years ago. He was a very famous pop artist that died of AIDS in the 1990's. You may recognize his work from other projects.

The mural that Eric painted in the baby's room is monochromatic to keep with the subtle color and light concept that we have in there.

As a quick side note, I have mentioned to you all about how much being pregnant has slowed me down while walking. Last week I was waddling underground in the Philadelphia Concourse on my way to the subway when a man with 1 leg on crutches zooms past me to get the the El station. He literally had 1 leg and handily beat me in speed down the corridor. It was then that I knew I was truly slow.

Now for the fun stuff. The baby is developed enough to survive outside of the womb. The lungs, now filled with amniotic fluid, are ready to take their first breaths of air. The eyelids flutter open and shut preparing for its first view. The baby is just about done growing inside me (Yay!). According to the baby is nearly 6 pounds, six ounces and 14 inches in length from crown to rump. However, according to my midwife yesterday I do not have a 6 pounder inside me. She said average size. I'm hoping between 7 and 8 pounds. We'll soon see. Below are the weekly renderings.

Love you all,


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 37

This week I realized for the first time that when I sit down my belly actually rests on the top of my thighs. I’m sure it’s been that way for a couple of weeks, but I only just noticed this phenomenon. The heft of the belly is amazing. It makes complete sense that the belly would be heavy, but I really didn’t know or think about it at all beforehand. I’ve gained 26 ½ pounds so far and it is all in the front. Moving around is a joke anymore. Eric was making fun of all the odd breathy noises I now make when I try to do just about anything. But he sees me when I am not trying to save face in front of anyone. When I am around any of you the chances of hearing a loud sigh out of me is slim. I do have an image to keep up (even if it’s in my own head)! J

I am so excited to be moving into November! I know my due date is at the end of the month and I could easily go into December, but I have hit the warning track. I am just about done the pregnancy and I am elated. I can’t wait to meet my baby. I can’t wait to start this new adventure. I can’t wait to get my body back! The closer we get to the due date the more impossible it becomes to get this whole event out of my mind. The pregnancy and the baby is the complete focus of my life at this point. I am annoyed when I have to concentrate on something else. I just want to stay home and prepare. I am not nesting as much as I am anxious for everything to get started. I am feeling contractions more often, but they are not strong and they have no pattern so they mean nothing. Just my uterus getting ready. Not that I am looking to rush anything, the baby will come when it wants to, but the anticipation I feel is crazy.

I’m just excited. There is nothing else to say about it. Happy and excited.

The birthing class we are taking is going well. I really like what she has to say and it gives me confidence that I am able to go through this process naturally without any medication. It’s a very personal decision to attempt a no medication labor. I’ve been very honest and straightforward with everyone when they ask me about my labor plans but this may have been a mistake to a certain degree. I know that everyone either has their own birth story or have heard many from friends and family. Inevitably people want to tell me about their (or someone else’s) horror stories. Or they think I have no idea what I am getting into wanting a non-medicated birth. I understand that everyone wants to pass along helpful information, but this is not helpful to me. If anything these comments place small seeds of doubt in my head. I am a very strong believer in positive reinforcement and encouragement. The faith that Eric has in me to do this well has helped me throughout this entire process and it will continue when we reach labor. Even if he doesn’t completely understand how the relaxation and visualization techniques will help me, he never doubted me or my desire to do this. It’s a very funny line. I think that I am as well prepared for a non-medicated birth as I possibly can be. I am going to do my best to make this happen. I feel that I have chosen to have this baby in an environment that celebrates natural birth. This is very scary for some people however; I am perfectly at ease with my choice.

Now for the fun stuff: The baby now favors certain body positions. Typically the baby enjoys resting with its head down and its rump toward my ribs, which so happens to be the ideal placement for delivery. (Yay baby!) The baby’s movements will become less frequent as it has less wiggle room. From now on the baby’s growth will be slow and steady as it continues to put on weight and fill out. The baby weighs in around 6 pounds this week and its length hovers around 13.2 inches from crown to rump. Below are the weekly renderings.